JENSEN Silke's profile


  • GReD Institute, University of Clermont Auvergne, CNRS UMR 6293, INSERM U 1103, CNRS - Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Bioinformatics, Viruses and transposable elements

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1

Areas of expertise
Drosophila retrotransposons, mechanisms of retrotransposon transposition, regulation of the activity of transposable elements, by RNA interference and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Bioinformatics: analysis of sequences from high-throughput sequencing, small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, whole genome sequencing (WGS).

Review:  1

06 Aug 2024
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Identification and quantification of transposable element transcripts using Long-Read RNA-seq in Drosophila germline tissues

Unveiling transposon dynamics: Advancing TE expression analysis in Drosophila with long-read sequencing

Recommended by based on reviews by Silke Jensen, Christophe Antoniewski and 1 anonymous reviewer

Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements with an intrinsic mutagenic potential that influences the physiology of any cell type, whether somatic or germinal. Measuring TE expression is a fundamental prerequisite for analysing the processes leading to the activity of TE-derived sequences. This applies to both old and recent TEs, as even if they are deficient in mobilisation, transcription of TE sequences alone can impact neighbouring gene expression and other cellular activities.

In terms of TE physiology, transcription is crucial for mobilisation activity. The transcription of some TEs can be tissue-specific and associated with splicing events, as exemplified by the P-element isoforms in the fruit fly (Laski et al. 1986). Regarding host cell physiology, TE transcripts can include nearby exons, with or without splicing, and such chimeric transcripts can significantly alter gene activity. Thus, quantitative and qualitative analyses must be conducted to assess TE function and how they can modify genomic activities. Yet, due to the polymorphic, interspersed, and repetitive nature of TE sequences, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of TE transcript levels using short-read sequencing remains challenging (Lanciano and Cristofari 2020).

In this context, Rebollo et al. (2024) employed nanopore long-read sequencing to analyse cDNAs derived from Drosophila melanogaster germline RNAs. The authors constructed two long-read cDNA libraries from pooled ovaries and testes using a protocol to obtain full-length cDNAs and sequenced them separately. They carefully compared their results with their short-read datasets. Overall, their observations corroborate known patterns of germline-specific expression of certain TEs and provide initial evidence of novel spliced TE transcript isoforms in Drosophila.

Rebollo and colleagues have provided a well-documented and detailed analysis of their results, which will undoubtedly benefit the scientific community. They presented the challenges and limitations of their approach, such as the length of the transcripts, and provided a reproducible analysis workflow that will enable better characterisation of TE expression using long-read technology.

Despite the small number of samples and limited sequencing depth, this pioneering study strikingly demonstrates the potential of long-read sequencing for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of TE transcription, a technology that will facilitate a better understanding of the transposon landscape.


Lanciano S, Cristofari G (2020) Measuring and interpreting transposable element expression. Nature Reviews Genetics, 21, 721–736.

Laski FA, Rio DC, Rubin GM (1986) Tissue specificity of Drosophila P element transposition is regulated at the level of mRNA splicing. Cell, 44, 7–19.

Rebollo R, Gerenton P, Cumunel E, Mary A, Sabot F, Burlet N, Gillet B, Hughes S, Oliveira DS, Goubert C, Fablet M, Vieira C, Lacroix V (2024) Identification and quantification of transposable element transcripts using Long-Read RNA-seq in Drosophila germline tissues. bioRxiv, ver.4 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Genomics.



  • GReD Institute, University of Clermont Auvergne, CNRS UMR 6293, INSERM U 1103, CNRS - Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Bioinformatics, Viruses and transposable elements

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1

Areas of expertise
Drosophila retrotransposons, mechanisms of retrotransposon transposition, regulation of the activity of transposable elements, by RNA interference and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Bioinformatics: analysis of sequences from high-throughput sequencing, small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, whole genome sequencing (WGS).