SEGUREL Laure's profile


  • UMR 5558 - LBBE, CNRS , Lyon, France
  • Evolutionary genomics, Metagenomics, Population genomics
  • recommender

Recommendations:  0

Reviews:  0

Areas of expertise
I am interested in using genetic data to understand the evolutionary history of species, notably human and non-human primate evolution : How are populations adapting to diverse environmental pressures (climate, diet, pathogens) ? What are the prevalence of positive and balancing selection ? How are humans and microbes co-evolving ? How various cultural features (matrimonial rules, language) shape the genetic diversity ? I am aso interested in speciation genomics.


  • UMR 5558 - LBBE, CNRS , Lyon, France
  • Evolutionary genomics, Metagenomics, Population genomics
  • recommender

Recommendations:  0

Reviews:  0

Areas of expertise
I am interested in using genetic data to understand the evolutionary history of species, notably human and non-human primate evolution : How are populations adapting to diverse environmental pressures (climate, diet, pathogens) ? What are the prevalence of positive and balancing selection ? How are humans and microbes co-evolving ? How various cultural features (matrimonial rules, language) shape the genetic diversity ? I am aso interested in speciation genomics.