- SciLifeLab, National Genomics Infrastructure - Uppsala Genome Center, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- Evolutionary genomics, Metagenomics, Population genomics
- recommender
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Areas of expertise
PhD in Molecular Evolution from Uppsala University.
Project coordinator and consultant in the field of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Main focus on: de novo genome sequencing, DNA quality parameters and long-read sequencing technologies. Meeting organizer and responsible for NGI-outreach. Have coordinated circa 700 NGS projects, of which around 200 represent de novo sequencing of non-model species.
Hands-on expertise: De novo genome sequencing and assembly of small eukaryotic genomes, including bioinformatics. Study of genome re-arrangement in prokaryotes. Experiments in traditional Molecular biology (high-molecular weight DNA extraction and manipulations, Pulsed-Field Electrophoresis). Phylogenetic analysis. Microbiology (work with filamentous fungi and human pathogenic bacteria). Trained mycologist. Curating fungal culture collection at dept. of Plant pathology, SLU.