- Botany Department, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Bioinformatics, Evolutionary genomics, Plants, Population genomics, Structural genomics, Viruses and transposable elements
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Areas of expertise
I am a plant biologist and interested in research related with plant genome. My research focus more specifically lies within plant genomics, plant molecular biology, chromosome biology, repetitive DNA, bioinformatics, biostatistics, phylogenetic and evolutionary studies of plant. My areas of expertise can be summarized as below.
Management- I have experience with grant proposals and coordination of research projects.
Supervision- I developed the research outlines for students/researchers during their thesis work on M.Sc., and BSc. level, supervised their work, and saw that they brought their work to completion within the envisioned time frames. I am grading MSc. and BSc. theses. I am developing curricula for new courses and to existing revise courses.
Lab Techniques- Molecular Biology: Extraction of nucleic acids, quantification and quality assessment, PCR (qRT-PCR, RT- PCR, Nested PCR, SSR, RAPD etc), cloning and vector construction, nucleic acid polyacrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis, Southern hybridization, PCR, ELISA-Test for Virus detection, Flow-cytrometry for identification of Ploidy level of chromosome.
Cytogenetics: Preparation of mitotic and meiotic chromosome spreads, fluorescent and genomic in situ hybridization, oligo-FISH, Different chromosome banding pattern like c-banding and NOR-banding
Biochemistry: Protein purification and quantification, Characterization with ISOZYME Marker
Other: Plant tissue culture
Computation and data analysis- Operating systems: Setting up Linux Ubuntu and Windows computers
Data Analysis- I quickly learn to apply and modify new tools. Here, I only list the tools I use relatively often.
General software: Office packages, citation software, Image Processing: Photoshop , Bioinformatic, Software- Scripting in Linux, Python, R for bioinformatics data analysis, Galaxy platform, Geneious, MEGA, RepeatExplorer, Commandline tools- read mapping(Bowtie2, bwa), similarity search (BLAST), EMBOSS, HMMER, sequence alignment (Mafft, MUSCLE, ClustalW), etc.),genome browser usage, handling of high throughput biological data and biological file formats (fasta, fastq, bed, gff, sam, bam)
Good experience in genome and sequence analysis and transposable element annotation