Hernan Morales Villegas [hernanm@sund.ku.dk] suggested: Hi, I would love to review for PCI so please keep me in mind. However, I have active collaborations with two authors so there is a conflict of interest. , Hernan Morales Villegas [hernanm@sund.ku.dk] suggested: You could try:, Hernan Morales Villegas [hernanm@sund.ku.dk] suggested: Christina Hvilsom <CH@zoo.dk>; Claudia Fontsere Alemany <claudia.fontsere@sund.ku.dk>; Patrícia Chrzanová Pecnerová <patricia.pecnerova@bio.ku.dk>; Linett Rasmussen <lras@zoo.dk>, Markus Neuditschko suggested: Bortoluzzi et al., assessed various genetic diversity parameters of two local French Chicken breeds taking advantage of whole-genome sequencing information. The study is well-written and easy to follow. However, I have some major concern about the small sample size, as they only analyzed 15 samples for each time period (2003 and 2013). To better assess the selected sample size, authors should also provide more information about the breeds (e.g. the number of registered animals in the pedigree). Furthermore, the authors did not provide any information, how the 15 animals were selected. Based on pedigree information, it is possible to select most informative individuals by assessing their marginal gene contribution. Besides, that I have also identified some minor issues:, Markus Neuditschko suggested: L27: replace still in existence with current livestock populations, Markus Neuditschko suggested: L43: Livestock breeders instead of keepers, Markus Neuditschko suggested: L45: routinely implemented, Markus Neuditschko suggested: L97: robust and generally, Markus Neuditschko suggested: Figure 1b: The PCA visualization is not quite informative, as the points are colored according to the time point and not to breed origin. To increase the visualization of the PCA, I suggest to use different shapes (time point) and colors (breeds). Also the variance explained by the first two components is rather low, hence it might also be informative to explore additional components., Markus Neuditschko suggested: L459: The authors mentioned, that the breeds were previously genotyped on 57K SNP chip data and simultaneously highlight the added value of genome sequencing data. To do so, I would suggest to downsize sequencing data to 57K Data, to confirm the arguments posted in this section.
No need for them to be recommenders of PCI Genomics. Please do not suggest reviewers for whom there might be a conflict of interest. Reviewers are not allowed to review preprints written by close colleagues (with whom they have published in the last four years, with whom they have received joint funding in the last four years, or with whom they are currently writing a manuscript, or submitting a grant proposal), or by family members, friends, or anyone for whom bias might affect the nature of the review - see the code of conduct